It’s easy to donate to The Awesome Music Project. We accept online credit card, securities, and crypto donations through CanadaHelps. If you’d like to make a donation by cheque, please contact us.

Your one-time donation will help support the delivery of AMP programs in communities across Canada.

Every dollar raised helps us spread the word about music’s transformational impact on mental wellness and mental health treatment.

Your monthly donation helps AMP plan for the future by providing a steady stream of income that we can rely on as we build our organization.

This allows us to engage contractors and staff to bring much-needed mental wellness programming to communities like yours.

Your gift of securities maximizes your donation - and your tax receipt.

Securities donations are not subject to capital gains taxes so we get the full value of your donation and you receive a tax receipt for the full amount.

Contact us to learn more.

Did you know that you can now donate both Bitcoin and Ether through CanadaHelps?

Your cryptocurrency donation is immediately converted to cash so we can continue to offer music-centred mental wellness programming.

Contact us to learn more.

Your love of music and belief in its healing powers can live on with a legacy gift to The Awesome Music Project.

Please contact us to discuss your options to support the organization itself, as well as existing or future programs.